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 Blaine Youth Sports is a non-profit organization that began in 2018 with the purpose of providing youth sports opportunities to grades K-8. 
Our current programs offered include football, volleyball, cheer, basketball and wrestling.  Blaine Youth Sports has no affiliation with the Blaine School District.
Prior to the creation of BYS, there was no consistent youth sports program in Blaine for kids younger than middle school and we relied on the Boys & Girls club for youth sports.  As evident by school districts like Lynden and Meridian, youth sports programs are the foundation of success at the high school level.  That has always been the goal of BYS.  Develop our youth at a young age so they can succeed at the high school level.   

Thank you to Blaine-Birch Bay Parks & Rec!

Blaine Youth Sports Baseball is for all skill levels.  There will be no tryouts for these teams.  The mission of BYS is to allow for as many athletes in Blaine to play, so this means we may have multiple teams of the same grade level. 

Teams will be divided as follows:

Rookies Team (for kids in grades 1-2)  Pitching machine or coaches will pitch to the players.

Minors Team (for kids in grades 3-4).  Kid Pitch

Majors Team (for kids in grades 5-6).  Kid Pitch.

When are Practices?

Practices will most likely be once or twice a week depending on age and field availability.  Practices will start the week of March 10.

When are Games?

Games will start the week of April 14 and run through May 23.  There will be local travel to Ferndale, Meridian, Mt. Baker, Lynden and Nooksack.

Entry fee is $85 per child.  Each child will get a uniform shirt and a hat.  Players will need a glove, pants and appropriate shoes.  BYS may be able to supply helmets, bats and catcher gear if needed.


  • We cannot run this program without our volunteer coaches!  We need you!  If you can, we encourage you to sign up to coach. 

Blaine Youth Sports Girls Softball is for all skill levels.  There will be no tryouts for these teams.  The mission of BYS is to allow for as many athletes in Blaine to play, so this means we may have multiple teams of the same grade level. 

Teams will be divided as follows:

*Please use your child's age as of December 31, 2024 to determine what team they play on.*

8U Team: Age 8 or under.  Pitching machine or coaches will pitch to the players.

10U Team: Age 10 or under.  Girls will be pitching.

12U Team: Age 12 or under.  Girls will be pitching.

Girls may elect to play up a level, but not down. 

If we do not have enough girls to make a full 8U team, then we will have a co-ed Rookies Team that will participate in the Baseball League.

When are Practices?

Practices will most likely be once or twice a week depending on age and field availability.  Practices will start the week of March 10.

When are Games?

Games will start the week of April 14 and run through May 23.  There will be local travel to Ferndale, Meridian, Mt. Baker, Lynden and Nooksack.

Entry fee is $85 per child.  Each child will get a uniform shirt and a hat/visor.  Players will need a glove, pants and appropriate shoes.  BYS may be able to supply helmets, bats and catcher gear if needed.


  • We cannot run this program without our volunteer coaches!  We need you!  If you can, we encourage you to sign up to coach. 

Blaine Youth Sports T-Ball is for all skill levels.  There will be no tryouts for these teams.  The mission of BYS is to allow for as many athletes in Blaine to play!

Open to boys and girls in Kindergarten.  Teams will be co-ed.  We hope to have at least 4 teams and keep the T-Ball program in Blaine and have our teams play against our own Blaine Teams (similar to the K-2 basketball program).  If we have 3 or less teams, then we may have to travel to play other teams in the county.

When are Practices?

Practices will most likely be once or twice a week.  Practices will start the week of April 14.

When are Games?

Games will start the week of April 28 and run through May 23.

Entry fee is $55 per child.  Each child will get a uniform shirt and a hat.  Players will need a glove, pants and appropriate shoes.  BYS may be able to supply helmets, bats and catcher gear if needed.


  • We cannot run this program without our volunteer coaches!  We need you!  If you can, we encourage you to sign up to coach. 

2025 Baseball & Softball

We are excited to announce that Blaine Youth Sports will be offering youth baseball, softball and T-Ball this spring. 

Thank you to Kim and Adam Akre at the Pacific Building Center for all their hard work and dedication to youth baseball/softball in our community!

More details to come in February.

Rosters for the K-2 Basketball Program

Teams are full and no changes or swapping will be made to the teams. 

We will not be accepting any late registrations.

Kindergarten Roster 2025

White: Team 1: Holly Smith              

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Emily Smith/Youth Medium
  2. Evelyn Harvey/Youth Small
  3. Emery Moser/Youth Small
  4. Nicole Birkett/Youth Small
  5. Jaxon Cranford/Youth Small
  6. Mac Catalogna/Youth Small
  7. Julian Earle/Youth Small             


Black: Team 2: Grant Sanders          

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Nolan Sanders/Youth Small
  2. Bodin Silva/Youth Small
  3. Beau Gunning/Youth Small
  4. Atticus Fink/Youth Small
  5. Bristol Fisher/Youth Small
  6. Jane Cotter/Youth Small
  7. Lucille Partlow/Youth Small


Orange: Team 3: Sooraj Sall   

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Shay Sall/Youth Medium
  2. Aurora Morales/Youth Small
  3. Lucy Dahm/Youth Medium
  4. Ava Finkbonner/Youth Medium
  5. Miles Yingling/Youth Small
  6. Arthur Thompson/Youth Small
  7. Baren Peschek/Youth Small             


Sport Grey: Team 4: Cassie Acidera        

Name/T-Shirt Size/

  1. Charlie Myers/Youth Small
  2. McCoy Parks/Youth Small
  3. Connor Branco/Youth Small
  4. Scarlett Surowiecki/Youth Small                     
  5. Spencer Harbst/Youth Small
  6. Novarah Bezant/Youth Small
  7. Sam Kramme/Youth Small

1st Grade Roster 2025

White: Team 1: Trevor Chau                              

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Lennox McCarty/Youth Small
  2. Sydney Chau/Youth Small
  3. Harper Nunez/Youth Medium
  4. Ayden Montes/Youth Medium
  5. Jayani Jaiya/Youth Small
  6. Gabriel Masegian/Youth Medium                   
  7. Bently Harding/Youth Medium


Orange: Team 2: Nicole Wogan               

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Olivia Wogan/Youth Small
  2. Greta Klassen/Youth Small
  3. Harper Denton/Youth Small
  4. Zachary Scott/Youth Large
  5. Elijah Wayment/Youth Small
  6. Saylor Ramsey/Youth Small
  7. Soren Rasmussen/Youth Small


Black: Team 3: Alex Sylvester                         

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Harley Sylvester/Youth Medium
  2. Samantha McGee/Youth Small
  3. Nora Morris/Youth Medium
  4. Kyler Kness/Youth Small
  5. Jaxon Hudson/Youth Large
  6. Logan Mendel/Youth Small
  7. Brody Williams/Youth Small


Sport Gray: Team 4: Jordan Frump                       

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Lyanna Martinez/Youth Small
  2. Raelihn Lee/Youth Medium
  3. Isabella Stap/Youth Large
  4. Charlotte Frump/Youth Small
  5. Barrett Zollatz/Youth Medium
  6. Reese Schroeder/Youth Medium
  7. Evan Mauger/Youth Medium

2nd Grade Roster 2025

White: Team 1: Amber Rice                        

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Evey Mezo/Youth Medium
  2. Christopher Shvorak/Youth Medium
  3. Aaron Diaz/Youth Small
  4. Braelynn Hayes/Youth Large
  5. Xavier Titus/Youth Medium
  6. Haven George/Youth Small
  7. Jaxon Freeman/Youth Large
  8. Ethan Barro/Youth Medium


Black: Team 2: Grant Sanders                                         

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Torrin Sanders/Youth Small
  2. Jacob Catano/Youth Large
  3. Zacharias Ford/Youth Small
  4. Arman Jaiya/Youth Medium
  5. Aria Chau/Youth Medium
  6. Elliana Buick/Youth Small
  7. Beaux Franks/Youth Small
  8. Jalen Roesch/Youth Medium


Orange: Team 3: Kimberly Marlatt                          

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Iris Galbraith/Youth Small
  2. Charlee Harding/Youth Medium
  3. Chloe Kellar/Youth Large
  4. Virlan Herrera/Youth Medium
  5. Gunnar Marlatt/Youth Medium
  6. Julian Troy/Youth Small
  7. Carson Lucero/Youth Small
  8. Jordan Martinez/Youth Medium



Sport Gray: Team 4: Colin Hawkins    

Name/T-Shirt Size:

  1. Toby Hawkins/Youth Medium
  2. Jules Campbell/Youth Medium
  3. Levi Foster/Youth Medium
  4. Emmett Gaughen/Youth Medium
  5. Grant Woolsey/Youth Large
  6. Abby Catalonga/Youth Medium
  7. Ivy Tuttle/Youth Medium
  8. Tatum Zoollatz/Youth Medium
  9. Aspen Anderson/Youth Medium

Practices for the K-2 Program will start the week of February 10

Games for the K-2 Program will start on Saturday, February 15th

What are the responsibilites of the Board Positions?

The current Executive Board consists of the four Officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), and our Public Relations Coordinator/Website Coordinator/Registrar (these roles are currently taken on by one individual, but can be split up.

What does the board do? The Executive Board shall create standing rules and policies, set registration fees and program fees, create committees, assign committee chairs, prepare and submit a budget to the membership, approve routine bills and all expenses of BYS, and prepare reports and recommendations to the membership and other such duties applicable to the office as prescribed by the parliamentary authority of BYS.

Open Positions:

President: The President shall serve as the primary contact for all committees, preside over all Executive Board and membership meetings, coordinate/delegate the work of the Executive Board members in order that the Mission statement be promoted, ensure that all BYS business is conducted in accordance with approved bylaws, policies and procedures. Oversee BYS fundraising activities, programs and develop new ones as needed. Provide guidelines, definition and instruction to maximize fundraising efficiency and impact. Attend or designate an Executive Board member to represent the organization at meetings outside the organization, work with the executive board to prepare meeting agenda and serve as an authorized signatory on all BYS checks. The President does not vote unless there is a tie.


Vice President: The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President, perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve, assume the responsibilities of any Executive Board position in their absence, inability to serve or vacancy, review the bylaws annually and any proposed changes shall be presented at a regular monthly BYS meeting. Assure that meetings are conducted in accordance with the bylaws and advise on parliamentary procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order and serve as an authorized signatory on all BYS checks.

The following roles are currently being taken care of by one person, but could be split up in the future:

Public Relations Coordinator: The Public Relations Coordinator shall ensure communication and information from BYS to the membership is accurate, consistent and timely. This includes, but is not limited to: management of BYS email, social media pages, creation of newsletters, creation of various printed fliers, handouts and posters as required, stays in communication with Website Coordinator to ensure website updates are posted, maintains a seasonal schedule for advertising, create an online survey for both coaches/directors and parents.

Website Coordinator: Update website, create and update sport registrations, communicates with Public Relations Coordinator to timely post announcements and meeting minutes, produces sports reports as needed.

Registrar: The Registrar shall be the communication between the to BYS coaches and board, shall monitor background checks, train sports directors on how to use the website and reports, shall provide each director with the guidelines, policies and forms needed to run each sport.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please download and fill out the form above and submit to no later than April 10, 2025.

BYS Tackle Football Info

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • We typically have a 4/5th grade team and a 6th grade team
  • Play takes place in the Whatcom County Youth Football League and games are on Saturdays though out the county.
  • Season runs mid August through mid/end of October
  • Registration opens in May 2024 and closes at the end of June 2024.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $160 per player.  All football equipment provided except for shoes.



Tackle Football Director: Corey Villarreal

BYS Flag Football Info

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade kids.  No limit on the number of kids.
  • Play takes place in the Whatcom County Youth Football League and games are on Saturdays though out the county.
  • Season runs mid August through mid/end of October
  • Registration opens in May 2024 and closes at the end of June 2024.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $90 per player.  Jerseys will be provided to each player to keep.



Flag Football Director: Mark Annello

BYS Youth Cheerleading

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to all kids in K-8th grade - girls and boys.
  • Cheerleaders cheer for the BYS Tackle Football Teams on Saturdays though out the county.
  • Season runs mid August through mid/end of October
  • Registration opens in May 2024 and closes at the end of June 2024.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $160 per cheerleader.  Each Cheerleader receives a custom uniform to keep. 



Cheer Director: Jancy Kundsen

BYS Girls Volleyball

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to girls in 3-6 grade
  • The girls volleyball teams will play other local teams in Whatcom County.  Travel is required on game days.
  • Season runs mid August through mid/end of October
  • Registration opens in May 2024 and closes at the end of July 2024.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $80 per player.  Knee pads and a jersey are provided.



Volleyball Director: Gail Rea

BYS Barracuda Wreslting

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to all kids in K-12th grade
  • US Wrestling Card is required in order to participate.  There is an option to participate in weekend tournaments. 
  • Season starts in November
  • Registration opens in October.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $80 per player.  You must supply wrestling shoes.  Singlets will be provided for tournaments.



Wrestling Director:

BYS 3-6 Grade Basketball

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to all kids in 3-6 grade. 
  • There will be boys and girls teams for each grade.  No tryouts. We participate in the North County Basketball League.  Local travel is required.
  • Season starts in late November and ends in early February.
  • Registration opens in October.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $85 per player.  Each player will receive a jersey. 



3-6 Grade Basketball Director: Jim Bring

BYS K-2 Grade Basketball

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries
  • Open to all kids in K-2 Grade. 
  • Teams will be co-ed and games will be played in a 3 vs 3 format.  All games played in Blaine and against other Blaine teams.  No try-outs and no score will be kept.
  • Season starts in mid February and ends in early April.
  • Registration opens in December.  Register for the grade your child will be in the 2024/2025 school year.
  • Registration fee $45 per player.  Each player will receive a jersey. 



K-2 Grade Basketball Director: Jacyln Sanders

Borderite ELITE Hoops

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries who have the desire to play a higher level of basketball.
  • Open to boys in 4-8 Grade. 
  • Tryouts are required for each team.  Players can expect more practice time and travel is expected.
  • Season starts in mid October and ends in early April.
  • Tryouts/Evaluations will be in September. 
  • Registration fee $175 per player if your child makes the team.



ELITE Hoops Basketball Director: Kevin Reid

Borderite Baseball & Softball

  • Offered to kids who live within the Blaine School District Boundaries who have the desire to play a higher level of basketball.
  • Open to boys & girls. 
  • Season starts in March/April
  • More details to come in February.


This will be a new program to Blaine Youth Sports in 2025.

Get your Fan Gear!

Hey BYS Fans! Time to order your fan gear! Our local Arch.City.Apparel has their website up and running for you to place your orders.

Click on this link to go directly to the site -

A percentage of the sales will go back to Blaine Youth Sports! Thank you!


Register for soccer thru WCYSA. This will take you to another site.

Blaine Youth Sports does not offer youth soccer.  Please click on the link above for the forms to register.


If you have questions, please reach out to them directly.

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